
MIRADA Суперконцентрат Универсальное моющее средство для всех видов полов 5л

MIRADA Суперконцентрат Универсальное моющее средство для всех видов полов 5л

Концентрированное нейтральное моющее средство для очистки любых водостойких покрытий, в том числе чувствительных к действию щелочи. Подходит для натуральных и синтетических покрытий таких как дерево, паркет, ламинат и др.

art.: 941422

1 279.00 ₽

in stock

CEMENT Post-renovation cleaning agent 5l

CEMENT Post-renovation cleaning agent 5l

Acidic cleaning agent for cleaning floors and other surfaces from cement, concrete, rust stains, limestone and other materials left after construction and renovation.

art.: 942351

1 121.00 ₽

in stock

FWS Floor Cleaner 5L

FWS Floor Cleaner 5L

Concentrated alkaline detergent for particularly tough stains.

art.: 940005

1 296.00 ₽

in stock

Grill Kitchen Cleaner 5L

Grill Kitchen Cleaner 5L

A highly effective alkaline agent for cleaning combi steamers, ovens, grills, kitchen stoves, deep fryers, frying equipment and utensils, ovens, and exhaust hoods from persistent food and organic contaminants.

art.: 939108

1 423.00 ₽

in stock

SIPTONOL 5l Skin antiseptic

SIPTONOL 5l Skin antiseptic

Skin alcohol-containing antiseptic for hygienic treatment of hands and surfaces.

art.: 941781

1 500.00 ₽

in stock

TERMO Grease remover 5l

TERMO Grease remover 5l

A highly effective alkaline product for cleaning surfaces from stubborn food and organic contaminants: carbon deposits, grease, soot and burnt food.

art.: 942658

1 537.00 ₽

in stock



Acidic non-foaming detergent for washing building facades, treating internal surfaces of process equipment, pipelines, containers from water hardness salts, mineral and rust deposits, protein and fat residues.

art.: 941491

304.00 ₽

in stock

FWS Floor Cleaner 1L

FWS Floor Cleaner 1L

Concentrated alkaline detergent for particularly tough stains.

art.: 940012

340.00 ₽

in stock

CEMENT Post-renovation cleaning agent 1l

CEMENT Post-renovation cleaning agent 1l

Acidic cleaning agent for cleaning floors and other surfaces from cement, concrete, rust stains, limestone and other materials left after construction and renovation.

art.: 942368

342.00 ₽

in stock

Post-repair cleaner Infinity Cleaner 1L

Post-repair cleaner Infinity Cleaner 1L

Designed to remove cement, lime and gypsum stains from acid-resistant surfaces: ceramic tiles, bricks, chrome and enamel surfaces, high-alloy steel surfaces.

art.: 941132

348.00 ₽

in stock

Verona Мыло жидко  Эконом Клубника Банан 5л

Verona Мыло жидко Эконом Клубника Банан 5л

Используется для ежедневной гигиены рук персонала и посетителей организаций общественного питания, торговых и деловых центров, медицинских, образовательных, спортивно-оздоровительных и культурно-досуговых учреждений, предприятий промышленности, гостиниц

art.: 941644

358.00 ₽

in stock

Liquid soap Verona Economy 5kg

Liquid soap Verona Economy 5kg

It is used for daily hand hygiene of staff and visitors of catering establishments, shopping and business centers, medical, educational, sports and health, cultural and leisure institutions, and industrial enterprises.

art.: 941514

358.00 ₽

in stock

Verona Liquid Soap Citrus 5kg

Verona Liquid Soap Citrus 5kg

It is used for daily hand hygiene of staff and visitors of catering establishments, shopping and business centers, medical, educational, sports and health, cultural and leisure institutions, industrial enterprises, hotels.

art.: 941590

371.00 ₽

in stock

Glass Cleaner Ammonia Очиститель стекол и зеркал  5л

Glass Cleaner Ammonia Очиститель стекол и зеркал 5л

Универсальный очиститель для стекол, зеркал, пластика, хрома, кафеля. Не оставляет подтеков, разводов, придает поверхностям антистатические свойства.

art.: 942900

493.00 ₽

in stock

Liquid soap Verona Pearl 5kg

Liquid soap Verona Pearl 5kg

It is used for daily hand hygiene of staff and visitors of catering establishments, shopping and business centers, medical, educational, sports and health, cultural and leisure institutions, and industrial enterprises.

art.: 941545

503.00 ₽

in stock

Verona Household liquid soap 5l

Verona Household liquid soap 5l

Liquid laundry soap allows you to keep your home perfectly clean without harming the health of your family and the environment.

art.: 942665

528.00 ₽

in stock

Verona Liquid Soap Milk and Honey 5kg

Verona Liquid Soap Milk and Honey 5kg

It is used for daily hand hygiene of staff and visitors of catering establishments, shopping and business centers, medical, educational, sports and health, cultural and leisure institutions, industrial enterprises, hotels.

art.: 941620

536.00 ₽

in stock

Verona Liquid Soap Orchid 5kg

Verona Liquid Soap Orchid 5kg

It is used for daily hand hygiene of staff and visitors of catering establishments, shopping and business centers, medical, educational, sports and health, cultural and leisure institutions, industrial enterprises, hotels.

art.: 941651

536.00 ₽

in stock